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Recorded CDs

Stavropoleos Psalmodic Group has recorded and released so far:

  • Six audio cassettes: Liturghia Sf. Ioan Gura de Aur [The Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom] (1995); Cintari la Invierea Domnului  [Songs to Lord Ressurection] (1997), Cantari la Praznicul Sf. Treimi (1999) [Songs at the Feast of the Holy Trinity], Paraclisul Maicii Domnului [Parakleisis of Theotokos] (2000), Axioanele praznicare [Hymns for the Feast Days] (2000), Canonul Sf. Andrei Criteanul [Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete] (2001).
  • Eight CDs edited under the direction of archdeacon PhD lecturer Gabriel Constantin Oprea: Vecernia învierii [The Service of the Sunday Vespers] (1999); Cintari la Praznicul Sfintilor Arhangheli [Songs at the Feast of the Holy Archangels] (2003); Colinde vechi si cintari la Craciun si Boboteaza [Old Carols and Hymns to Christmas and Epiphany] (2004); Dumnezeiasca Liturghie a Marelui Vasile  [The Divine Liturgy of Saint Basil the Great] (2006); Cintari la Praznicul Adormirii Maicii Domnului [Hymns to the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary] (recorded in 1991 for Muzica Sancta collection from Israel, processed and edited in 2008); Cintări la prăznuirea Sfantului Martir Iustin Filosoful  [Hymns from the service of Saint Martyr Justin the Philosopher] (2009); Irmoase calofonice [Callophonic Heirmoi] (2012); Cintări la Sfintii Mucenici Pantelimon și Filoteia  [Hymns to the Holy Martyr Panteleimon and Saint Filoteia] (2008).

Over the years the group was made up of numerous psalm singers and isokratima (chanters holding the ison). Some of them have now their own group, concerting and recording for other choirs.

For the most recent recordings, the group is represented by Sorin Pană, Virgil Ioan Nanu, Laurențiu Drăghicenoiu, Father Constantin Todireanu, Adrian Stolnicu, Father Grigore Moraru, Deacon Cristian Alexandru, Deacon Ciprian Matei, Deacon Aurelian Mirea, Bogdan Rădășanu. The group conductor is Archdeacon Lecturer Gabriel Constantin Oprea PhD.