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May 1, 1832

The Will of archimandrite Timotei

”Being mortal and clear-minded, and not knowing, as the Holy Gospels says, nor the day or the hour of my death, I decide that my properties and the properties of Stavropoleos Monastery should be distributed as follows:

1. Hierodeacon Antim – sent by the Metropolitan Monastery with a letter sealed by the seal of our monastery, dated 8 May 1831 – he will be my successor, fully empowered to take the lead of monastery.

2. The groschen obtained from the sale of my wine this year – that is ten thousand groschen – be stored in a single location. The annual interest received by selling my wines this year be sent to my country, Ostanitza, to give it to the teacher of there, who, being learned and obedient, will teach the kids of my village and of surrounding villages, in memory of me.

3. For the many services my nephew Spiru and Elena, his wife, rendered to monastery and to me, the proestos [the highest ranking monk] and the epitropes in the forthcoming periods let them live in the room where Haralamb lived or in the teachers’ room, to live there for life, without any rent. I bequeath one hundred royal gold coins to the same nephew and one thousand groschen to his wife, for the care they had for me.  I bequeath 500 groschen to my soul child, orphan, for school and clothing and for other necessities.

4. I bequeath 150 groschen to each priest of my village Ostanitza, for they commemorate me there.
I bequeath 50 groschen and nothing else to each relative of mine until the sixth grade. I bequeath 500 groschen to my nephew from here, Anastasie.

5. I bequeath 100 royal gold coins to my brother; he may give whatever he wants to his sons; and to commemorate me.

6. I bequeath to my nephew Gheorghe a deed of six thousands groschen of monasteries Stilos and Divreos, for him and his heirs to use the interest and each of them make Panikhida [memorial service] for me every year.

7. I compel the epitrope [administrator] Gheorghe Paapa to bring into being all of the above mentioned commands; to order, for the beginning, all the necessary stuff for the salvation of my soul and all Christian duties for a period of three years; to recover all the groschen mentioned in my deeds from debtors, and to gather all the money, and the groschen from my vineyard for that year; and after he gives every person all the above mentioned things, to keep for my soul and to give the poor, taking a receipt for the donated amount, and to send the rest to the Monastery of Epirus. I bequeath to my egumen a deed from the dead Facalina, regarding 1500 groschen he has to collect and to give them to Aglaia, his daughter, as dowry. I bequeath a silver plate from Russia and a silver jug to Aglaia; I bequeath to my epitrope the blessing of God and of the Mother of God.

8. I bequeath to my successor, hierodeacon Antim, a giubea [a broadcloth coat worn by the priests] in good condition, a new soutane, a kamilavka, my frock; I bequeath all the other clothes to Elena, Spiru’s wife, for she cared about me under any circumstances.

9. I bequeath to sacristan from the downside of the cemetery my vineyard from Valea Larga, bought with my own groschen.

10. I bequeath 250 groschen to Priest Ioan.

11. Anyone, relative or stranger, that will try to spoil this will of mine be cursed by God and by all saints. 
Timotei of Stavropoleos, I testify”

On 1 May 1832, his testament is supplemented with a list of personal assets that Timotei gives to the holy monastery, indicating that those assets cannot be alienated.

“I give the monastery ten silver spoons, knives, spoons and forks, to be used at the memorial services, by the priests that will come, as well as the other goods as shown below:

One piece of wood saint

One piece of the relics of St. Haralambos

One piece of the relics of St. Procopius

One piece of the relics of St Panteleimon

One piece of Ignatius, the God-bearer

One piece of Eustratius, martyr

One piece of George, the Victory-bearer

One piece of Saint Chrysostom

One piece of Saint George, the same

One piece of holy relics of an anonymous

One piece from P.P.

One piece of St. Andrew

One piece myrrh Saint Dumitru

One piece myrrh his grace Athenagoras, Bishop of Thessaloniki

One piece of Saint John Prodrom

One piece of Saint Peter, anonymous

One piece of cross with some wood

One piece of Saint Gregory of Decapolis

One piece of Saint Theodor Tiron

One piece of Saint Basil, the hand

One piece of Saint John the Merciful

21, meaning twenty-one pieces, they remain forever in our holy monastery <and> cannot be alienated.

– Timotei Stavropoleanul, I testify

 – Gheorghe Popa, who wrote, witness

– Caminar [boyar who collected duties on spirits] Costantin Buri, confesses that himself Kir Timotei Stavropolitan told me verbally that this is his testament and I signed

– Antim, deacon, witness in a hurry, without reading contents

– Spiru Nicolae, witness