April 28, 1726
Bill of sale to Archiereus Ioanichie with regard to the houses of the departed Lady Maria, daughter of the Boyar Radu Greceanu
After the death of the Lady Maria, her household epitropes (administrators) sold the egumen of Stavropoleos the land which had been left over from the 11 stanjen (about 23 metres) long section of the main street (Lipscani Street) extending to the garden of the Lady Voichita Brezoianu, the wife of Captain Dumitrache Stama. In diameter, the site extended from the inn of the new foundation to the inn of Matei Cretulescu the Postelnic, the son of Șerban the High Logofat, totalling 10 stanjens (about 20 metres) and valued at 182.50 tallers.