April 6, 1722. Archimandrite Ioanichie, coming from Gura Monastery (Epirus) buys from Lady Despa a place where he builds the inn and the church, across from Ghiorma Banul Church.
June 1, 1724. The Sardar [Grand Commander] Grigorascu Greceanu sells to Ioanichie one stânjen (about 2 meters) of land “so that there be room for altar”.
October 30, 1724. The pisania [votive stone] written in Greek and Romanian shows that the church was ready.
July 9, 1725. Maria, the daughter of Logofăt [Chancellor] Radu Greceanu, offers the monastery a place in order to build a bell tower and a cellar.
March 7, 1726. Ioanichie is elevated to the rank of Archbishop of Stavropoleos, by order of Patriarch Ieremia and by approval of Voievod Nicolae Mavrocordat.
November 18, 1729. Hegumen Ioanichie acquires from Sardar Grigorascu Greceanu, in exchange from a different place, a surface area that was two stânjens and a palm wide and two palms long ”to enlarge the altar of the church”.
November 8, 1733. Founder Ioanichie orders to immure, in the prosthesis, the neatly sculptured stone engraved with the names of the founders and makes his will by which the Stavropoleos Inn and Monastery were dedicated to Gura Monastery.
April 12, 1737. Archimandrite Ioanichie certifies the donation by legal authentication given to him by Voievod Constantin Mavrocordat.
February 7, 1742. Ioanichie passes away at 61 and he is buried in his church.
October 14, 1802. The church undergoes many damages that claim urgent repairs that began in 1803.
January 1838. The church is extensively damaged by an earthquake, and hegumen Leontie cannot fix the damage.
1840 – 1841. The precarious condition of the building makes the authorities summon the monastery to demolish the church steeple that was at risk of crumbling; in 1841 the steeple is demolished.
1852 – 1858. The monastery hegumen asks for the demolition of the church and the construction of a new one.
December 2, 1858. In its report, architect Slater argues the need for an insightful restoration of the church, by respecting the original architecture and decorations.
September 7, 1861. The census taken when installing new hegumen Calinic confirms the poor state of the monastery due to the hegumen Leontie’s mismanagement.
February 10, 1879. New hegumen Serian complains about the deplorable state of the belfry and asks the Ministry of Religious Affairs to take action.
July 30, 1888. Archimandrite N. Apostoliu informs the Ministry the church is “in almost complete ruin”.